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Mental Health in a Pandemic

On a normal day we are prone to be surrounded by stress. There are students who are stressed from revising from exams. There are parents stressed from taking care of their children. There are adults stressing from paying rent and keeping up with their job. We stress about not having enough time, not being able to keep up with our regular routines and so on. For many people all over the world this is not something that is just stressful it is something that disrupts their wellbeing and can cause anxiety and depression. Now imagine the kind of stress people are facing in the recent pandemic that has stormed our nation.

Source: New York Post

I was struck by the recent story of nineteen year old Emily Owen, who attempted to take her life over the fear of being stuck in self isolation. Emily had planned to volunteer with others to help people in need. But after discovering the possibility of having to self isolate she began to fear the unknown of how this would impact her mental health as she was autistic. She later passed away in the hospital after the attempt. This was extremely devastating for me to read about. While many people all across the country are panic buying and worrying about their supplies there are people struggling to cope with their mental health. Many people are finding it incredibly difficult to cope under the circumstances of isolation, unable to control how they feel and to stay positive under the stress of work, school and their normal routines being disrupted. Due to this it's crucial that we are taking care of our well being in these circumstances and looking out for those around us.

Here are a few ways to look after your mental health during self isolation or quarantine:

1. Plan out your day


Start by waking up and writing a list of things you want to achieve or do for the day. Start by writing out your normal routine of having a shower, making breakfast, work calls, university lectures etc. You can also expand it to things you'd like to do because you have a little extra time, this can be small things like painting your nails, watching a movie, calling a friend or family member. While I know making a list sounds a little boring, it will give you time to reflect and relax and also motivate you to look forward to something in your day. I would also recommend waking up before 10am as this will make you feel like you've had a productive day. A great tip to use this is sticking your list in a visible location, on your fridge or on your wall so you're constantly reminded to stick to your routine and to tick off each task throughout the day.

2. Surround yourself with good vibes


I found it extremely difficult to get into a normal routine at home, especially because I have been spending so much time in the same place. One thing that worked for me was getting organised and surrounding myself with things that would make me feel refreshed and positive. I light candles around my room and listen to music. I always start my day by tidying up so that everything looks fresh and organised. I also change out of pyjamas everyday as if I am going out like I would on a normal day which makes me feel a lot better and less tired throughout the day. I would also recommend organising your desk if you are working from home. Have an area dedicated to your work and take frequent breaks if you can. I would also recommend eating fruit and drinking lots of water and keeping this near you in your work space.

3. Move About & Get Fresh Air


Being active will help reduce stress, increase blood flow and gives your skin a healthy glow. There are so many different ways to be active at home. You can do your own home workout or follow videos online to find out the best way to keep fit. There are loads of videos you can replicate on YouTube or Instagram. Even going for a walk or fresh air in your garden can make such a difference. Opening up your windows in your rooms by letting in natural light rather than sitting in artificial light all day will make you feel more alert and positive. It might also be a nice change of scenery from sitting inside all day.

4. Switch up your routine


If there is a skill or hobby you've been wanting to learn and haven't had the chance, now is the time. Trying out a new hobby can be so rewarding especially at a time like this. There are loads of apps and videos that can help if you want to learn a new language, try out cooking or a new recipe, taking online classes for yoga or bhangra or a form of boxing, blogging or journaling, drawing or painting, reading a new or your favourite book to just name a few. Meditation is also a great way to refocus your energy during the day. There are so many different ways to be productive that don't have to be repetitive, it's all about being creative and finding something you like or may be interested in.

5. Connect with others

This is a time more than ever to check up on your loved ones. Everyone is going


through the same thing. There are going to be good days and bad days but it is up to us to lift each other up. Phone your relatives and friends who may be studying or living abroad as they might be feeling lonely without you. The app HouseParty has recently resurfaced a major following as it allows group video chatting and gaming between users including Trivia, HeadsUp and Draw It. Another way to connect with your loved ones is through Netflix Party which allows users to add friends to their party and watch films together and chat in a chatroom.

While these are tips that I have been using to keep myself positive I understand that these tips might not work for everybody and that's okay. If these tips don't work for you then try and tailor them in a way where they can appeal to you. It is safe to say that we are all going something that is incredibly confusing and unexpected. Our country has never been in a shutdown mode before and this can be very scary which is why it is important we are all looking out for everyone. Everyone has a different living situation and different circumstances but I'm sure that many of the feelings amongst society are mutual. I truly hope everyone is looking after themselves and each other in every way that they can. Be kind, stay safe and healthy everyone.

Pass on the message,

Miss Minority

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